Current Homeowners

If you need detailed information or have not found what you are looking for her - please contact us, we are happy to help!

Your homeowner portal will be your main source of information for your financial information, documents and invoices.

We upload all repair invoice copies to your online account so that you can see repair costs up front. We do not add a mark-up or surcharge, and you can see exactly what was fixed at your property, and how much it cost. 


All financial and lease documents are available at your fingertips, 24/7, 365.


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Rent is due on the 1st and considered late by the 5th. The majority of our tenants pay via EFT through their resident portal, so we do have to wait for the funds to clear before we can initiate the transfer. We will deduct any applicable fees for that month, as well as pay any invoices due from that month's rent income. Generally, this accounting process starts on the 10th of every month, therefore you can usually expect available funds to hit your account around the middle of the month. This is a large job, so sometimes it can take until the 25th of the month, as stated in our management agreement.

"Managing What Matters Most"



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